Sectorial participation

Largest expenditures to associations 2022 (in BRL): 

Name of association  Expenditures 
Brazilian Tree Industry (IBÁ)  2,194,270.00
Brazilian Association of Paper Packaging (Empapel) 1,398,378.00
Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper (ABTCP) 294,055.31

In accordance with Brazilian law, Klabin does not provide any political funding, including political funds, electoral funds for political groups and political party lobby funds. The company, through sectoral organizations that have political neutrality, cooperates with the development of public policies of interest to society and supports different initiatives within the respective organizations.


  FY 2018  FY 2019  FY 2020  FY 2021  FY 2022
Lobbying, interest representation or similar  0
Local, regional or national political campaigns / organizations / candidates  0
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups (e.g. think tanks)  2,035,135.00  2,143,304.00  2,530,040.00  4,253,472.00  5,817,529.31
Other (e.g. spending related to ballot measures or referendums)  0
Total contributions and other spending  2,035,135.00  2,143,304.00  2,530,040.00  4,253,472.00  5,817,529.31
Issue or Topic  Corporate Position  Description of Position / Engagement  Total spend in FY 2022 
Adoption of renewable materials derived from planted trees as a more sustainable option to replace fossil-fuel derived materials  Support  Klabin is an active member of The Brazilian Tree Industry (Ibá), which works in a structured way to represent the industry to governmental bodies, entities within the planted tree productive chain, important sectors of the economy, environmental organizations, universities, schools, consumers, and the press. The association maintains active participation in the most important national and international forums and councils, with manufacturing and the forest base, as well as debates, meetings, and public consultations. The main topics of discussion are best practices in forest management, environmental services, climate change, technology and innovation, sustainability in the industry’s production chain, and engagement with civil society in decision making. Ibá participates in technical groups and prepares documents to define a common agenda and represent the interests of the sector. 2,194,270.00 
Means for technical development of professionals in the forest- based sector's production chain  Support  Klabin is an active member of ABTCP - Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper - an entity committed to the technical development of professionals in the forestry sector's productive chain and to the evolution of the competitiveness of companies operating in this segment. Publisher of books and periodicals, ABTCP also maintains partnerships with research institutes and universities that are references in specialized training and information, and is ahead of technical definitions essential to the forest-based sector, such as revisions Sectorial Standardization; and National Policies for Solid Waste (PNRS) and Water Resources, among other important issues. It encourages permanent debates on solutions to improve production processes, through the work of its Technical Commissions and trains more than a thousand professionals annually, promoting technical exchange
and the relationship between companies and professionals.


According to Brazilian Law No. 12,846/2013, lobbying is not a permitted activity in Brazil. Therefore, Klabin's relationship with stakeholders, including sector associations, is guided by a collaborative approach with limited support and without direct political objectives, following compliance with legislation and the boundaries set forth in its Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Manual, and Sustainability Policy, which covers all of its jurisdictions and operations.

For instance, Klabin actively promotes sustainability issues, such as climate change, which have become central themes in Brazilian trade associations such as the IBA (Brazilian Tree Industry), which the company regularly monitors. Additionally, the company plays a leadership role in driving the Impact Net Zero initiative. Although the initiative is not provided by a trade association - instead, by UNGC, it is a solid public commitment led by Klabin in the national context to support the Paris Agreement pledges.

Sector entity, association and trade union
Brazilian Tree Industry (IBÁ)
Associação Brasileira do Papel [Brazilian Paper Association]
Cooperativa CAMCORE [CAMCORE Cooperative]
Sindicato da Indústria do Papelão, no Estado de São Paulo – SINPESP [Cardboard Industry Union, in the State of São Paulo]
Agência de Desenvolvimento da Cadeia da Madeira do Médio Rio Tibagi [Tibagi Middle River Wood Chain Development Agency]
Associação Catarinense de Empresas Florestais (ACR) [Santa Catarina Association of Forestry Companies]
Brazilian Association for Business Communication (Aberje)
Associação Paranaense de Empresas de Base Florestal (Apre) [Paraná Association of Forestry-based Companies]
Associação de Preservação do Meio Ambiente [Environmental Preservation Association]
Associação Brasileira das Companhias Abertas (ABRA) [Brazilian Association of Publicly Held Companies]
Associação das Empresas Polo PB/PE [Association of Companies from the Paraíba/Pernambuco Region]
Grupo de Estudos Tributários [Tax Studies Group]
Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Leite Longa Vida (ABLV) [Brazilian Association of Long Life Milk Industry (ABLV)]
Instituto de Manejo e Certificação CERFLOR [CERFLOR Management and Certification Institute]
Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (CIESP) [São Paulo State Industries Center]
Associação Brasileira Técnica de Celulose e Papel (ABTCP) [Brazilian Pulp and Paper Technical Association]
Instituto TS Brasil [TS Brazil Institute]
International Corrugated Case Association (ICCA)
Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Design [Brazilian Association of Design Companies]
Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC)
Associação Brasileira de Memória Empresarial [Brazilian Association of Business Memory]
Brazilian Packaging Association (ABRE) [Brazilian Packaging Association]
Associação Paulista de Produtores de Florestas Plantadas (Florestar São Paulo) [São Paulo Association of Planted Forest Producers]
Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Trigo [Brazilian Wheat Industry Association]
Associação Comercial e Industrial de Lages [Lages Commercial and Industrial Association]
Instituto de Manejo e Certificação (IMAFLORA) [Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification]
Associação Comercial Industrial Itajaí [Itajaí Industrial Trade Association]
Associação com Empresas de Angatuba [Angatuba Trade and Business Association]
Associação dos Proprietários de Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural de Santa Catarina [Association of Owners of Natural Heritage Private Reserves of Santa Catarina]
Instituto Ambiental do Paraná [Paraná Environmental Institute]
Sindicato das Indústrias de Celulose e Papel de Santa Catarina – SINPESC [Union of Pulp and Paper Industries of Santa Catarina]
Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento das Empresas Inovadoras (Anpei) - National Association for Research and Development of Innovative Companies
SINDIPACEL - Sindicato das Indústrias de Papel, Celulose, Papelão, Pasta de Madeira para Papel e Artefatos de Papel e Papelão do Estado da Bahia [Union of Paper, Pulp, Cardboard, Wood Pulp for Paper and Paper and Cardboard Artifacts of the State of Bahia]
SINPACEL - Sindicato das Indústrias de Papel, Celulose e Pasta de Madeira para Papel, Papelão e de Artefatos de Papel e Papelão do Estado do Paraná [Union of Paper, Pulp, Cardboard, Wood Pulp for Paper and Paper and Cardboard Artifacts of the State of Paraná]
SINPAPEL - Sindicato das Indústria de Celulose, Papel e Papelão no Estado de Minas Gerais [Union of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard Industries in the State of Minas Gerais]
Centro da Indústria do Estado do Amazonas – CIEAM [Industry Center of the State of Amazonas]
Centro das Indústrias de Feira de Santana - CIFS [Feira de Santana Industry Center]
O Centro das Indústrias do Estado de Pernambuco – CIEPE [The Center of Industries of the State of Pernambuco]
Sindicato das empresas de transporte de São Paulo - Setcesp [Union of Transport Companies of São Paulo]
Associação Empresarial de Mafra - ACIM [Business Association of Mafra]
Associação Nacional dos Consumidores de Energia - ANACE [National Association of Energy Consumers]
Sindicato da Indústria de Papel Celulose e Pasta de Madeira [Pulp Paper and Wood Pulp Industry Union]
Sindicato das Industrias de Papel Artefatos de Papel Papelão e Artefatos de papelão do Estado de Pernambuco [Union of Paper Industries Paper Artifacts Cardboard and Cardboard Artifacts of the State of Pernambuco]
Sindicato das Indústrias de Celulose, Papel, Papelão, Embalagens e Artefatos de Papel, Papelão e Cortiça do RS - SINPASUL [Union of Pulp, Paper, Cardboard, Packaging and Paper, Cardboard and Cork Artifacts of RS]
Abcomm – Associação Brasileira de Comércio Eletrônico [Brazilian Electronic Commerce Association]
SINDIMADEIRA- Sindicato das Indústrias de Serrarias, Carpintarias e Tanoarias de Lages [Union of Sawmill, Carpentry and Cooperage Industries of Lages]
Sindicato das Indústrias de Papel do Ceará [Ceará Paper Industries Union]
Associação Comercial, Industrial e Agrícola de Paranaguá [Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Association of Paranaguá]
Associação Comercial e Industrial de Rio Negro [Commercial and Industrial Association of Rio Negro]
Associação Comercial e Industrial de Ortigueira - ACIO [Commercial and Industrial Association of Ortigueira]
Associação Comercial e Industrial de Rio Verde - GO [Commercial and Industrial Association of Rio Verde - GO]
Research entities
Forest Studies and Research Institute (IPEF)
Sociedade de Investigações Florestais (SIF) [Society for Forest Research] – Universidade Federal de Viçosa [Viçosa Federal University]
ANPEI – Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento [ANPEI – National Association of Research and Development]
FGV – Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade [FGV – Center for Sustainability Studies]
FUPEF Associação Fundação de Pesquisas Florestais do Paraná [Paraná Forestry Research Foundation Association]
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc)
Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Universidade Federal de Lavras
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Projeto de Pesquisa Manejo de Macaco-Prego em Plantações Florestais (APRE) [Research Project for the Management of Capuchin Monkeys in Forest Plantations (APRE)]
Other entities
Agência da Madeira [Wood Agency]
The Forests Dialogue
FSC International
Pacto Global – Grupo Temático Energia e Clima [Global Compact – Thematic Group on Energy and Climate]
Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Leite Longa Vida (ABLV) [Brazilian Association of Long Life Milk Industry (ABLV)]
Regional Councils of Chemistry, Engineering, Architecture, Medicine, and Nursing
Diálogo Florestal Nacional [The Forests Dialogue]
Compromisso Empresarial para Reciclagem (CEMPRE) [Business Commitment to Recycling]
Anpei – Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento das Empresas Inovadoras [Anpei – National Association for Research and Development of Innovative Companies]
Conselho Brasileiro de Manejo [Brazilian Management Council]
Diálogo Florestal [Forest Dialogue] – PR/SC Forum
Abrinq Foundation
Centro Integrado do Estado do Amazonas [Integrated Center of the State of Amazonas]
Associação Brasileira de Marketing de Dados (Abemd) [Brazilian Data Marketing Association]
Instituto Pacto Nacional pela Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo [National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor Institute]
Instituto Itapoty Desenvolvimento [Itapoty Development Institute]
Associação de Preservação do Meio Ambiente [Environmental Preservation Association]
Centro das Indústrias de Feira de Santana [Feira de Santana Industries Center]
Centro das Indústrias de Pernambuco [Pernambuco Industries Center]
GS1 BRASIL – Associação Brasileira de Automação [GS1 BRASIL – Brazilian Automation Association]
Comitê de Gerenciamento da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Canoas [Canoas River Basin Management Committee]
Comitê da Bacia do Rio Tibagi [Tibagi River Basin Committee]
Consórcio para Proteção Ambiental do Rio Tibagi (COPATI) [Tibagi River Environmental Protection Consortium]
Balanço Energético Nacional (BEN) [National Energy Balance]
Guarda Mirim de Suzano [Suzano's Junior Guard]
Fundação Dom Cabral [Dom Cabral Foundation]
São Paulo Futebol Clube [São Paulo Soccer Club]
Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres - ANTT [National Land Transport Agency]
Instituto Euvaldo Lodi - IEL [Euvaldo Lodi Institute]
Casa da Floresta Assessoria Ambiental [Casa da Floresta Environmental Advisory]
Cooperativa de Transporte de Carga [Cargo Transport Cooperative]
Research partnerships abroad
World Containerboard Organization
Comitê de Produtores – Tappi Nano [Producers Committee – Tappi Nano]
Central America and Mexico Coniferous Resources Cooperative (Camcore), North Carolina (USA)
Forest Productivity Cooperative (FPC)
North Carolina State University (NCSU)
Oregon State University
Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
Trees for the future LLC
University of Toronto

Atualizado e verificado em: 07/11/2023