Sectorial participation

Klabin believes that active and well-directed action can make a positive contribution to the paper, pulp, and packaging sector and society. 

Klabin's relationship with its stakeholders, including industry associations, is guided by a collaborative approach, with limited support and no direct political objectives. Klabin does not provide any political funding, including political funds, election funds for political groups, and lobbying funds for political parties. 

The Company has clear and robust internal guidelines, in addition to strictly following applicable legislation in all jurisdictions with Company operations, in favor of good practices in stakeholder engagement for sector contributions and participation. Through sectoral organizations of political neutrality, the company collaborates with the development of public policies of interest to society and supports various initiatives within the respective organizations. 

Klabin's contributions can be broken down as follows:

   2020   2021  2022 2023
Lobbying, interest representation or similar 0 0
Local, regional or national political campaigns/organizations / candidates 0 0
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups (e.g. think tanks) 2.30.040,00 4.253.472,00 5.817.529,31 4.352.406,03
Other (e.g. spending related to ballot measures or referendums) 0 0
Total contributions and other spending 2.530.040,00 4.253.472,00 5.817.529,31 4.352.406,03



The largest contributions to trade associations in 2023


Organization Type of Organization Issue or Topic Corporate Position Description of Position / Engagement Total spend in 2023
Brazilian Tree Industry(IBÁ) Commercial/Sector Organization Adoption of renewable materials derived from planted trees as a more sustainable option to replace materials derived from fossil fuels Support The association actively participates in the most important national and international forums and councils for the industry and the forestry sector, as well as in debates, meetings, and public consultations. The main topics of discussion are good forest management practices, environmental services, climate change, technology and innovation, sustainability in the sector's production chain, and engaging civil society in decision-making. Ibá participates in technical groups and draws up documents to define a common agenda and represent the sector's interests.     BRL 2.496.970,06
Brazilian Paper Packaging Association (Empapel) Commercial/Sector Organization Promoting the competitiveness of paper packaging by contributing technical studies and innovative and sustainable solutions for the sector.  Support Klabin is an active member of the Brazilian Paper Packaging Association (Empapel), which seeks to promote the sector's competitiveness, as well as sustainable consumption, market development, and stimulating innovation and technology, which are fundamental for connecting the sector to the future. 
Empapel represents the paper packaging sector and its main objective is to act strategically to increase its leading role in packaging solutions, rethinking the use of resources and the impacts of products. It also carries out data studies and makes it possible to keep the sector supplied with relevant information for its improvement. 
BRL 1.153.350,00
Santa Catarina's Association of Forestry Companies (ACR) Commercial/Sector Organization To lead companies in the entire segment of Santa Catarina's planted forest sector, raising the competitiveness of the forestry sector, strengthening, bringing together, representing, promoting, and defending the sector together with companies committed to sustainability, developing skills through courses, technical services and innovation. Support Klabin has been an active member of ACR since it was founded in 1975 as Olinkraft. Klabin's Director of Forest Expansion, Mr. José, currently serves on the ACR as Director of Pulp and Paper. He also chaired the association from 2013 to 2016. ACR works to promote the development of the planted forest sector and, as a consequence, the social and economic development of Santa Catarina. It represents the sector institutionally in relations with the authorities and other sectors of society. It defends the interests of the sector in the legislative, environmental, productive, technical, and administrative areas. BRL 294.055,31

It is important to mention that lobbying is not regulated by Brazilian law and is not allowed in Brazil. In addition, any contribution to political campaigns from private companies is prohibited (Law 13165/2015). Therefore, Klabin does not provide any political funding, including political funds, electoral funds for political groups and lobbying funds for political parties.   



External engagement for climate alignment 


Klabin is part of sectoral, multi-sectoral, and multi-stakeholder associations that seek to accelerate the transformations needed for a sustainable future. The flow of information regularly passes through Klabin's Sustainability governance bodies, which monitor the alignment of the company's actions in these spaces through internal mechanisms. Based on Klabin's sustainability strategy and Klabin Aspiration, the company participates in relevant global discussion forums such as: 

B20 - Energy Transition and Climate taskforce The mission of the Energy Transition and Climate Taskforce is to defend and propose actions for the transition to renewable energy sources, climate mitigation, and environmental sustainability. 
Klabin is part of the group of multi-sector companies discussing contributions to the draft recommendations for G20 member countries, with proposals for policies focused on a) renewable energy and energy security b) energy efficiency targets and the circular economy, and c) nature-based services and convergence with biodiversity protection.  
Coalizão Brasil Clima Florestas  As a way of actively supporting and developing proposals on Brazilian government agendas, Klabin is also a member of the Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition. The Coalition aims to articulate and facilitate the inclusive and sustainable use of land in the country, based on scientific knowledge. To this end, dialogues are promoted between different sectors (private, financial, academia, and civil society), developing proposals by common agreement and carrying out articulation and advocacy for the delivery and implementation of proposals, communicating actions transparently to society. 
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization created in 1994 to promote responsible forest management around the world through a pioneering and unique certification system that incorporates the perspectives of social, environmental, and economic groups on an equal footing. Headquartered in Germany and Mexico, it is present in more than 80 countries. Klabin is an active member of the FSC Council, which certifies forestry operations with sustainable management practices and environmental stewardship.
The Forests Dialogue A multi-stakeholder sector organization aimed at developing and sharing sustainable forest management and conservation practices around the world. It brings together companies in the sector, environmental NGOs, and academia, and deliberates on public policy proposals based on a structured process for building positions.
Only when there is consensus among all the members of the coordinating council is a position published. Klabin participates in discussions that are directly aligned with the sustainable future and forest conservation strategies, such as the risks of changes to the Brazilian Forest Code and other issues beyond the national territory. 
CFO Coalition An initiative of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) to rethink the role of CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) in developing long-term sustainable corporate finance in line with the SDGs. 
Klabin has been a member since 2003, where it participates with global CFOs and corporate executives, collaborating with colleagues, investors, financial institutions, and UN agencies in developing principles, frameworks, and recommendations for integrating the SDGs into corporate finance, as well as creating a market for investments aligned with the SDGs.

Atualizado e verificado em: 07/04/2024