
Sustainable and restorative management of forests, integrating ecosystems and biodiversity values, to improve their ability to generate and disseminate benefits among society.

KODS 2030


Reintroduce at least 2 species that are proven to be extinct locally and promote the population reinforcement of 4 more threatened species


2021 2022 2023 2024 (Preview) 2030 Goal
0 1 1 2 6

The Klabin Ecological Park, which has more than 30 professionals dedicated to nature conservation, reinforces the unique role of the Company in enhancing the positive impact by reintroducing this native species. The black-fronted piping guan, proven extinct in the region*, provides the service of being a great seed disperser, contributing to forest restoration.


The black-fronted piping-guan (Aburria jacutinga), which is proven to be extinct in the region, provides the ecosystem service of seed dispersal, contributing to the restoration of natural forests. , provides the ecosystem service of seed dispersal, contributing to the restoration of natural forests.

  • In the reintroduction project, 30 individuals of this species were released. The release of the first batch took place in March 2022, with 10 individuals, and the second batch was released in December 2022, with 20 individuals. To identify the expansion in the forest and the adaptation of the species, the technical team monitors these individuals using a foldable VHF directional antenna, assessing their survival capacity, dispersion, and the formation of reproductive pairs. 
  • In the spring, the reproductive period began, and it was possible to observe behaviors such as wing flapping, pair formation and copulation. However, it has not yet been confirmed whether they reproduced in the wild.



The VINACEOUS-BREASTED AMAZON (Amazona vinacea), endemic to the Atlantic Forest, is a threatened species, in the Vulnerable category, on the State/PR list and on the National List of Endangered Species.

  • In 2024, adaptation training was conducted for the new individuals of the species and continued for the individuals of 2023, with changes in the food supply, mannequins simulating predators and actions with noises to cause repulsion to the human presence.


The stages involved in the reintroduction and population reinforcement process are:

  1. Reception/reproductive success (at least 1 individual for this stage);    
  2. Start of the Rehabilitation/Habilitation process (at least 1 individual for this stage);        
  3. Release of the individuals;            
  4. Monitoring the released individuals.

*Criteria for proving local extinction: no observation of the animal in monitoring cycles in the last three decades, presence in the National Action Plan for Threatened Species, developed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), and the ecological importance for the region in which the Company is located.


KODS 2030

Have 100% of hotspots for fauna being run over mapped and with initiatives to reduce accidents

2021 2022 2023 2024 (Preview) 2030 Goal
15% 21% 26% 32% 100%


The target of 100% of fauna hotspots being mapped and with initiatives to reduce accidents represents one of the main corporate mechanisms for managing and protecting biodiversity at Klabin. This is a relevant initiative since, according to the United Nations Environment Program, Brazil has the richest biodiversity on the planet, housing between 15 and 20% of all existing biodiversity, while on the other hand, it has the seventh-largest system of roads and highways in the world, covering 1.8 million kilometers. In this context, the operations and production processes of national highway users generate a series of risks for local fauna, such as being run over along highways used to transport production and inputs.

The Company has identified the protection of biodiversity as one of its KODS and is actively working to reduce road kills by mapping and diagnosing hotspots for fauna. The company also consolidates important information to support the implementation of infrastructure projects to reduce road kills, such as the building of fauna underpasses, the rehabilitation of existing culverts, and the monitoring of stretches with viaducts, among other projects. A total of 33 monitoring campaigns have been conducted on the roads and highways used by Klabin from the beginning until November 2024.

To maintain the continuous management monitoring practices of this goal, the following actions were taken in 2024:

  • Monitoring of 6,000 km of samples;
  • Participation in the Caminho Certo event to raise awareness among drivers of own and third-party heavy vehicles about collisions with fauna on the roads;
  • Sending biological material for scientific research;
  • Consultative participation in road projects under study.

Regarding the evolutionary period of the goal, Klabin has the initial four years for conducting the diagnosis according to a monthly sampling schedule, and after 180 days, the production of a final report. Based on these findings (4 years and 6 months), the implementation of planned/proposed actions will begin as a follow-up to reduce impacts/collisions, as well as reconnect segmented forest areas.


KODS 2030


Maintain and strengthen the number of fauna species dependent on high environmental quality forests.

2021 2022 2023  2024 (Preview) 2030 Goal Minimum Maximum
80.4% 77% 73.4% 73.4% Maintain or strengthen number until 2030 78% 85%
Environmental Quality Limit Range (Min and Max)




The monitoring report for 2024, drawn up by Casa da Floresta, will be published in 2025.

The result for 2023 was below the established range due to climatic conditions that prevented the sampling of previously selected fragments, thus reducing the identification of forest-dependent birds compared to previous years. The methodological criteria were adjusted for the 2024 cycle.


KODS 2030


Maintain at least 6 partnerships/surveys per year based on nature conservation and biodiversity studies.

2021 2022 2023  2024 (Preview) 2030 Goal
20 12 11 10 Minimum 6 per year

In 2024, the following scientific research was conducted in the states of Paraná (01-04) and Santa Catarina (05-10):

  1. Via fauna - Ecology of roads (analysis of hotspots of wildlife road kills)
  2. FEPAF - Research into the valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  3. Neoprim - Monte Alegre Primate Project - [Population estimate of the capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus)]
  4. Instituto Pró Muriqui (UNIFESP) - Muriqui-do-sul / Mono-carvoeiro (Brachyteles arachnoides) Monitoring Services 
  5. UDESC - Characterization of Myrtaceae essential oils and their use in the control of post-harvest diseases in 'Fuji' apples - Doctorate 
  6. UDESC - Evaluation of areas undergoing forest restoration and areas in an advanced stage of succession in Mixed Ombrophilous Forest in the state of Santa Catarina using ecological indicators from SMA Resolution 32/2014 and fauna bioindicators (Timbó) - Master's degree 
  7. UDESC - Water quality of the Caveiras River assessed through physical-chemical analysis - Scientific Initiation 
  8. UDESC - Water quality in the Caveiras River assessed using benthic macroinvertebrates - Scientific Initiation 
  9. UDESC - Soil-related knowledge of basic education teachers in the Serrano Plateau of Santa Catarina - Doctorate 
  10. UDESC - Evaluation of the potential use of biosolids in formulations of mixed bio-inputs based on microbial association and substrates for the production of seedlings of forest species - Doctorate


KODS 2030


Provide 1 million native tree seedlings for restoring degraded areas in partner areas


2021 2022 2023 2024 (Preview) 2030 Goal
213.158 416.015 549.266 598.314 1.000.000

Distribution occurs through the planting and distribution of seedlings through the Matas Legais and Matas Sociais programs. In 2024, 46,068 seedlings were provided, to a total of 598,314 since 2020.

Percentage of forests allocated for the conservation and maintenance of biodiversity

  Unit 2023 2022 2021 2020
Total area thousand hectares 751 719 625 578
Total productive areas* thousand hectares 374 356 313 291
Total conserved forest areas thousand hectares 315 304 265 248
Areas for other operational uses thousand hectares 62 59 47 39
Percentage of conserved forest areas % 41.9 42.3 42.4 42.9

*In 2022, the method for calculating "productive areas" was updated to include standing forests and preparation and planting areas, excluding roads and improvements. The values have been updated in the historical series.



Operational units within or adjacent to environmental protection areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside environmental protection areas



Klabin has two RPPNs in its forest areas. Both provide numerous ecosystem services to the region.

The Serra da Farofa Complex RPPN is located in Santa Catarina and is situated in a native environment without interference from forestry operations. It is dedicated to scientific research, natural resource management, and the maintenance of climatic and ecological equilibrium. Within the Serra da Farofa Complex Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), the Nature Interpretation Center (Cinat) was inaugurated in 2019. Its structure, built within one of the blocks of the RPPN, encompasses 4,987.16 hectares of vegetation in a highly conserved state, remaining from the Atlantic Forest.

The Monte Alegre RPPN is located inside Fazenda Monte Alegre in Telêmaco Borba, Paraná. The space measures 3,852 hectares and is also an area for scientific research, conservation of local biodiversity, and protection of water resources.


Created in the 1980s and covering 9,852 hectares, the Klabin Ecological Park, located at Fazenda Monte Alegre (PR), promotes biodiversity conservation projects, animal rehabilitation and release, animal welfare, scientific research, and environmental education.


Klabin has AAVCs in the three forestry units, totaling more than 18,700 hectares, characterized by their relevance in the conservation of natural fragments, and endemic and endangered species.

GRI-304-1 SASB-RR-FM-160a.2

Operational units in environmental protection areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside environmental protection areas

  Serra do Farofa Complex (RPPNe) RPPN Monte Alegre AAVCs
  2023 2023 2023
Geographic location Santa Catarina Paraná In the 3 forestry units
Surface and underground land that may be owned, leased or managed by the organization Owned – surface Owned – surface Owned – surface
Position in relation to the protected area Adjacencies of the area1 Within the area Within the area
Type of operation of the unit Extractive operation Extractive operation Extractive operation
Size of the operating unit in km2 49.87 km² 45.23 km² 187.38 km²
Biodiversity value characterized by the attribute of the protected area or area of high biodiversity value outside the protected area Terrestrial ecosystem Terrestrial ecosystem Terrestrial ecosystem
Biodiversity value characterized by presence on protection lists (such as IUCN Protected Area Management Categories, Ramsar Convention, and national legislation) IUCN/National legislation – SNUC IUCN/National legislation – SNUC Proforest

1 More information in the public summaries of the management plans Public Summary – Klabin Online
2The Serra da Farofa Complex (RPPN) is located in the vicinity of the area, respecting the minimum 10 km buffer zone

Species with some degree of threat of extinction in 2023 ( CR, EN, VU)

Fauna Flora
3% 2%


GRI-304-4 SASB-RR-FM-160a.3

Number of species included in the IUCN Red List and national conservation lists with habitats in areas affected by the organization's operations, broken down by level of risk of extinction

  2023 2022 2021 2020
  Fauna Flora Fauna Flora Fauna Flora Fauna Flora
Critically endangered (CR) 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
Endangered (EN) 6 12 6 12 4 12 5 15
Vulnerable (VU) 21 28 21 26 22 25 21 23
Near Threatened (NT) 39 11 49 4 52 4 49 14
Least Concern (LC) 733 490 618 482 624 482 628 460
Total 801 542 696 525 704 524 705 514


Biodiversity monitoring is conducted annually at Klabin’s three forestry units to assess the influence of operations on the environmental conservation of the Company's areas. The cumulative value of identified species until 2023 was 941 species of fauna and 2,013 species of flora. Among these, 813 species of fauna had their conservation status recognized by the IUCN, 29 of which were classified as threatened (CR, EN, and VU); and 548 species of flora with recognized conservation status, 41 of which are classified as threatened.

In 2023, the Ecosystem Services Declarations existing in the Serra da Farofa Complex Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) were maintained with the FSC®. The officially declared Ecosystem Services are: Biodiversity Conservation (ES1), Carbon Sequestration and Storage (ES2), and Watershed Services (ES3). Klabin was the first Brazilian company to have three Ecosystem Services simultaneously declared. Scientific research in the RPPN is maintained to ensure the expansion of knowledge about the environmental services in the area.

Additionally, the Biodiversity Plan (under development) includes a study of ecosystem service dependencies to support the construction of a report aligned with the Task-force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) guidelines.

A Klabin is a unique forest-based company, with responsible management committed to biodiversity, encompassing goals (KODS – Klabin Sustainable Development Goals) in five distinct actions focused on the preservation and conservation of flora and fauna.

Additionally, the Biodiversity Plan is being structured to guide actions under a unified vision aligned with the Company's business strategy, external voluntary commitments made by Klabin, and national and global biodiversity strategic plans and policies, aiming to contribute to their goals and targets. The Plan consolidates Klabin's commitment to achieving a net positive impact on biodiversity, ensuring that the impacts of its activities on biodiversity are offset or surpassed by measures taken to prevent and minimize these impacts, restoring affected areas, improving the quality of native vegetation, and offsetting residual impacts, thus preventing losses.

Historically, Klabin has been conducting its operations under a concept that considers the risks and impacts of biodiversity loss. The Company performs mosaic planting, blending areas of planted pine and eucalyptus forests with preserved native forests, which represent almost half of the total forested areas. This model creates ecological corridors and helps to maintain the habitats of flora and fauna.
The quality of the business is directly linked to the conservation of biodiversity and the ecosystem services it generates. Therefore, Klabin adopts a zero deforestation and zero conversion policy for native forests into plantations. In addition, all its forests are FSC® and Cerflor/PEFC certified.

For this reason, the Company has actions to mitigate and generate positive net impacts. From a mitigation perspective, Klabin maintains a program to control invasive species, promotes the development of technologies for biodiversity monitoring, and maps roadkill hotspots along 8,000 km of roads near its operations. The Company maintains the Klabin Ecological Park (PEK), which aims to rehabilitate animals, conserve species ex-situ, and breed endangered species, thereby contributing to biodiversity conservation and animal welfare. To that end, there is a team dedicated to conservation projects, focusing on the specialized management of animals under human care. The Company also promotes research and environmental education programs for teachers, children, and other interested parties.

Klabin also demonstrates its commitment to nature by maintaining over 18,000 hectares of Areas of High Conservation Value (AAVCs) and Natural Heritage Private Reserves (RPPNs) within its territory  One of these areas, Fazenda das Nascentes, located in the Serra da Farofa Complex RPPN, in Santa Catarina, has all three FSC® certifications for Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity Conservation (ES1); Carbon Sequestration and Storage (ES2); and Watershed Services (ES3). . One of these areas, Fazenda das Nascentes, located in the Serra da Farofa Complex RPPN, in Santa Catarina, has all three FSC® certifications for Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity Conservation (ES1); Carbon Sequestration and Storage (ES2); and Watershed Services (ES3).

Klabin also has a commitment to the Sustainability-Linked Bond (SLB) financial instrument, directly linked to biodiversity conservation and the reinforcement of endangered species populations. Please refer to the Green Financing chapter.

All these actions are part of biodiversity-focused management and demonstrate how the Company believes that biodiversity conservation is one of its main responsibilities, aiming to ensure environmental balance and the quality of ecosystem services.

Nature Interpretation Center 

The inauguration of the Nature Interpretation Center (Cinat) in March 2019 strengthened support for biodiversity research. The space, located at a strategic point of the Natural Heritage Private Reserve (RPPN) in the Serra da Farofa Complex of Santa Catarina, can accommodate up to 40 researchers. With almost 1,000 different native species identified throughout 5,000 hectares of Atlantic Rainforest and High Altitude Fields, the Conservation Unit is an essential location for developing studies.

External commitments 

Klabin is a signatory to the Carbon Disclosure Project – CDP, Companies for the Climate, GHG Protocol, Brazilian Forest Dialogue, and other international agreements maintained based on annual forest management certifications. The CDP Forests program recognized the Company as a leader (A), reinforcing its commitment to zero deforestation.

With the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) established as a rule for commercial activities and the export of products disassociated from deforestation, Klabin ensures the traceability of its products. The Company is implementing an automated system that certifies the traceability and sustainable management of its forests and partners at the geographical coordinates level. 
It is important to note that Klabin has not historically converted native areas into productive ones (deforestation), in line with the principles of the FSC certification, held by Klabin since 1998. 

Please see the company's Zero Deforestation Declaration, which clarifies not only this fact, but also the same commitment extended to the Company's supply chain.
In addition, a multidisciplinary team at Klabin is working on an automated wood traceability project that is due to be tested and finalized in mid-October/24. With this project, by means of an invoice code or the commercial bill of lading on the ship, the product will have its chain tracked before shipment, via a proprietary system, from production to the forest stand of origin.  The lack of deforestation will be proven using geographical coordinates and environmental due diligence carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the EUDR.  
Klabin is also in the process of acquiring a digital tool that will conduct a socio-environmental analysis of all the forest stands tracked by invoice, in order to guarantee greater security in meeting the parameters of the regulation before our products enter the European Union market.  

Any updates and documents formalizations, including Klabin's EUDR Informative, will be publicly disclosed to Klabin's stakeholders. 

Additionally to Klabin's Climate Transition Plan, integrated management elements for soil, water and biodiversity help to accelerate the necessary transition towards a sustainable future. For this reason, and also because the most significant greenhouse gas emission factor in Brazil comes from changes in land use caused by deforestation*, Klabin has published its first Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Services Plan.

Updated and verified on: 07/04/2024