Water use

Water-related ecosystems (forests, aquifers and rivers) protected and restored, generating water security for societies.

KODS 2030

Reduce the specific industrial water consumption by 20%


2021 2022 2023  2024 (Preview)  2030
16% 17.8% 29.8% 36.7% 20%

In 2024, the projected percentage reduction in the company's specific water consumption remained above the 2030 Target, with a reduction of 36.7% compared to the base year of 2018. This performance was influenced by the increase in the volume of water discarded and the growth in production in the Pulp and Paper business. This reduction is mostly due to the stabilization of the new operations in Phase II of the Puma II project, which were more efficient in terms of water consumption compared to previous operations. 

The Puma Unit, responsible for 51.4% of Klabin S.A.'s total water withdrawal, showed a decrease in the indicator last year, as a result of the improvements implemented in its new operations. The post-expansion units are still in the process of stabilizing.

The Packaging and Recycled Businesses showed an increase in specific water consumption compared to the previous year. Specific operational changes at these units resulted in an increase in the amount of water collected and a decline in the volume of water disposed of, directly contributing to this increase. Operations are expected to return to normal, reflecting the indicator's performance in the coming years. Commissioning operations are being stabilized and will reach the projected capacity in 2025.


Performance for specific total water consumption (m³/ton)

  2023 2022 2021 2020
  Result Year Target Result Year Target Result Result
Total specific water consumption 3.1000 3.62 3.6328 4.13 3.8421 3.6294
Per business 
Paper 5.5766   4.7930   5.5628 4.2936
Pulp 2.8346   4.9270   4.7550 5.1655
Packaging 0.3310   0.3334   0.3295 0.2736
Recycled 1.7834   1.7889   1.9822 1.7487
Bags 0.0796   0.0674   0.0166 0.0577
Per unit
Angatuba 3.0868   0.7993   2.2910 2.1112
Pilar (Argentina) 0.2739   0.3216   0.0082 0.1298
Betim 0.2699   0.2230   0.2147 0.2037
Correia Pinto 8.1712   5.4949   2.8011 4.1449
Feira de Santana 0.4349   0.4732   0.3982 0.3988
Franco da Rocha -   1.7823   3.1022 **
Goiana 1.1057   1.1580   1.2266 1.1028
Horizonte 0.4409   0.3236   0.1391 0.3847
Itajaí 0.3008   0.3812   0.4041 0.4116
Jundiaí DI 0.2211   0.1727   0.1568 0.1871
Jundiaí TP 0.5290   0.4330   0.2990 0.4257
Lages 1 0.0609   0.0242   0.0099 0.0548
Manaus 0.3993   0.4355   0.5916 0.6272
Manaus 2 0.8386   0.6187   1.2195 **
Monte Alegre 6.5497   6.3249   8.5287 5.5346
Otacílio Costa 2.4779   1.6303   1.5905 1.7860
Paulínia 0.3512   0.1521   0.5453 **
Piracicaba 1.1134   1.7043   1.5279 0.6365
Puma 2.8346   4.9270   4.7550 5.1655
Rio Negro 0.5153   0.7071   0.5691 0.6454
Rio Verde 0.2196   0.2439   0.2666 **
São Leopoldo 0.3578   0.4876   0.3822 0.4078
Suzano 0.4791   0.3127   0.3167 **

*Until 2019, this indicator was not measured.

** New units acquired by Klabin in 2020.

Specific water consumption is calculated by taking the difference between water withdrawn and water returned to the environment, divided by the Company's total production. Therefore, and also because they are different types of production, businesses, and units, the figures above do not reflect the reduction percentage in specific consumption per unit or business. 

There was a 29.8% reduction in specific water consumption in 2023 concerning the base year 2018 in industrial operations. This significant reduction in the indicator was mainly influenced by the completion of the expansion processes (Puma II - Phase II) and the start of operations at the plant. It was expected that, with the implementation of Phase 2 (PM28) of Puma II (Paraná), Klabin's consumptive water use results would change, since the project is more efficient than the operations already in place. 

For the Correia Pinto Unit, there was a reduction in water withdrawal as well as a threefold reduction in disposal, impacting the increase in the consumptive use indicator. 

In Monte Alegre, the indicator was mainly impacted by changes in the production process and the temporary shutdown of PM1. 

At the Otacílio Costa Unit, there was a significant reduction in water withdrawal due to improvements made to reuse cooling water from the Lime Kiln bearings, replacing the use of water for log washing, along awareness actions regarding water use. 





KODS 2030

100% of the localities where we operate initiatives to increase territorial water security


2021 2022 2023 2024 (Preview)  2030
57% 74% 78% 86% 100%

Currently, 18 of the 21 municipalities where we have industrial operations have initiatives aimed at improving water security. In 2024, the company increased the percentage of locations covered by implementing the Klabin Caiubi Program in the municipality of Suzano.

In addition, all industrial units are regularly assessed using the WRI Aqueduct tool for identifying water stress, which guides the company in prioritizing territories covered by initiatives related to the target. The initiative adopted is determined by the intensity of water stress in the territory, ranging from an environmental education program (Klabin Caiubi Program) to initiatives to reduce water use and new installations of more efficient Effluent Treatment Plants.

Actions taken:

  • Installation of more efficient Effluent Treatment Plants at the units located in Betim, Itajaí, Manaus, Rio Negro, Goiana, São Leopoldo and Horizonte;
  • Participation in the Tibagi River Basin Committees (for the units located in Ortigueira/Puma and Telêmaco Borba/Monte Alegre), the Canoas River (Correia Pinto and Otacílio Costa) and the PCJ Consortium (Piracicaba/Figueira, Paulínia and Jundiaí/DI and TP);
  • Environmental education program in municipal schools (Klabin Caiubi Program), focusing on water management and safety, in the communities surrounding the units located in Telêmaco Borba/Monte Alegre, Ortigueira/Puma, Otacílio Costa, Lages, Correia Pinto, Feira de Santana, São Leopoldo, Angatuba and Suzano.


KODS 2030

100% forest operations under own management with hydrossolidary management


2021 2022 2023 2024 (Preview) 2030
73.5% 97.3% 97.3% 96.6% 100%

In 2024, Klabin continued to implement the hydrosolidation management methodology in forest areas in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina.  There was a fluctuation in the percentage of areas covered, a natural reflection of the operational dynamics of planting and harvesting, which resulted in 96.3% of the forest harvesting areas under its own management having the hydrosolidary management methodology implemented. 

Klabin's pioneering hydro-solidary management methodology contributes to the protection of micro-watersheds, increasing the water security of the communities around its forestry units. This strategy is based on the balance between forestry production and water production, allowing for the integration of different water use needs, including neighboring communities and ecological processes. This activity begins at the forestry planning stage, which takes into account the micro-watersheds and the neighboring water catchment points.

Analyses for the implementation of the hydrosolidary management methodology in the state of São Paulo are still in progress.

Percentage of plants in water-stressed areas

2023 2022 2021 2020
30.4% 30.4% 30.4% 22.2%


Percentage of water withdrawn in water-stressed areas

2023 2022 2021 2020
0.76% 1.13% 1.17% 0.90%


Percentage of water discharged in water-stressed areas

2023 2022 2021 2020
0.5% 0.8% 0.7% 0.6%


Percentage of cost of goods sold corresponding to plants located in water-stressed areas

2023 2022 2021 2020
17.0%  16.1% 17.8% 12.3%


Water consumption in water-stressed areas

        Unit 2023 2022 2021 2020
Total of water withdrawals  Million of cubic meters 0.91 1.38 1.35 0.93
Total of water discharges  Million of cubic meters 0.49 0.85 0.68 0.53
Total net freshwater consumption (Total water withdrawals -Total water discharges) Million of cubic meters 0.42 0.53 0.66 0.40
Total net freshwater Consumption Target* Million of cubic meters 0.49 0.65 - -
Data coverage % 100 100 100 100

*The target for water consumption in water-stressed areas is aligned with the company's operational planning.

In 2023, improved water management resulting from implemented actions led to a 21% reduction in water consumption (water withdrawn - water discharged) at facilities located in water-stressed areas, due to changes in production processes and strategic planning within the Company's Recycled business segment.

For 2024, Klabin's main challenges are related to maintaining the reduction in water intake and consumption, despite new expansion projects. Klabin is committed to developing actions to compose the Water Resources Management Plan, which will serve as a guiding framework for the Company's operations and strategies in the coming years.

Since 2018, Klabin has been evaluating all its units located in water-stressed areas using the WRI Aqueduct tool. To be considered exposed to water stress, facilities must be classified with a baseline water stress level exceeding 20% for both the current and future scenarios (2030 and 2040). In 2021, following the acquisition of five new units, Klabin increased its total to 7 out of 23 units located in water-stressed areas according to the WRI Aqueduct tool. To control and monitor risks related to these units, the Company has developed a monitoring report for river flow and rainfall volume in regions where the factories are located, aiming to anticipate potential water shortages and explore alternatives.

This report is overseen by the Water Management Working Group, which not only supports the strategic management of this resource but also contributes to defining necessary actions to mitigate impacts in these regions, aiming to reduce water intake and consumption across all of Klabin's industrial units. The group consists of a multidisciplinary team including representatives from the Pulp, Paper, and Packaging businesses, as well as from the Research and Development, Innovation, and Industrial Environmental Responsibility sectors. In 2023, this group underwent restructuring to broaden the vision and involvement of industrial units, including the areas of Innovation, Research and Development, and Projects and Engineering.

Summary table

  Unit 2023 2022 2021 2020
The portion of withdrawn water % 37.75 33.12 31.8% 30.0%
Portion of reused water % 62.25 66.88 68.20% 70.0%
Water consumption 15,858,052.38   19,128,120.43  19,391,425.90 16,219,610.88


As a result of water management in 2023, the volume of reused water at Klabin represented approximately 1.6 times the volume of raw water withdrawn.


GRI-303-3SASB-RR-PP-140a.1 SASB-RT-CP-140a.1


Withdrawn water by source

      2023 2022 2021 2020
    Unit Total areas Areas of water stress Total areas Areas of water stress Total areas Areas of water stress Total areas Areas of water stress
Surface water withdrawn Total 118,862,870.40 686,679.00 121,783,253.04 1,165,399.00 114,167,093.00 1,170,985.00 105,636,967.77 838,069.00
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) 118,862,870.40 686,679.00 121,783,253.04 1,165,399.00 114,167,093.00 1,170,985.00 105,636,967.77 838,069.00
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) - - - - - - - -
Groundwater withdrawn Total 301,135.56 185,143.81 242,916.27 171,515.37 225,342.99 145,614.80 124,187.67 64,425.94
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) 301,135.56 185,143.81 242,916.27 171,515.37 225,342.99 145,614.80 124,187.67 64,425.94
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) - - - - - - - -
Third-party water withdrawn Total 204,470.85 38,144.85 253,391.87 43,439.49 231,957.75 29,814.60 218,038.41 26,368.00
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) 204,470.85 38,144.85 253,391.87 43,439.49 43,439.49 29,814.60 218,038.41 26,368.00
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) - - - - - - - -
Total 119,368,476.81 909,967.66 122,279,561.18 1,380,353.86 114,624,393.74 1,346,414.40 105,979,193,85 928,862.94
Goal for the year 122,921,810.10 - 124,347,071.71 - 114,146,162.48 - -



Water discharged by the source 

  Unit 2023 2022 2021 2020
    Total areas Areas of water stress Goal of the year Total areas Areas of water stress Total areas Areas of water stress Total areas Areas of water stress
Disposal of surface water 103,385,399.30 459,959.46 103,309,254.57 102,948,989.81 783,545.72 94,477,411.42 640,370.13 89,584,696.3000 503,164.0000
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) 103,385,399.30 459,959.46 - 102,948,989.8 783,545.72 94,477,411.42 640,370.13 89,584,696.3000 503,164.0000
Disposal to the extraction source with quality equal to or greater than withdrawal 103,385,399.30 459,959.46 - 102,948,989.8 783,545.72 94,477,411.42 640,370.13 - -
Other types of disposal - - - - - - - - -
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) - - - - - - - - -
Disposal of third-party water 125,025.10 25,683.00 - 202,450.94 61,576.32 188,051.14 44,548.00 174,886.7000 29,621.0000
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) 125,025.10 25,683.00 - 202,450.94 61,576.32 188,051.14 44,548.00 174,886.7000 29,621.0000
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) - - - - - - - - -
Total 103,510,424.40 485,642.46 - 103.151.440,75 845.122,04 94,665,462.56 684,918.13 89,759,583.0000 532,785.0000


The number of non-compliance cases in water discharges resulted in formal actions

2023 2022 2021 2020
0 0 0 0


Substances defined and analyzed for disposal

Manufacturing plants follow the limits established by current legislation in each state and country for reference and effluent monitoring. Parameters such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and BOD removal efficiency are a priority, as well as the concentrations of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and phosphorus in effluents at pulp and paper mills. The indices are often compared to global benchmarks, such as the IFC guidelines (20 to 100 m³/t is considered suitable for pulp mills and 10 to 50 m³/t for paper mills). 

All Klabin plants monitor the flow and quality of effluents generated by the plants, both before and after internal treatment. The main parameters analyzed are pH, Conductivity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total and Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sedimentable Solids, among other parameters to control the efficiency of effluent treatment plants. 

In case of results outside the established targets, the plant requests a reanalysis of the sample and initiates a multidisciplinary investigation to find the root cause of the problem. Following this process, a structured action plan for resolution and monitoring is developed, following the methodologies defined in each unit. All units have specific areas and personnel responsible for the operation and monitoring of water and effluent parameters. 

Self-monitoring is regularly conducted, allowing for comparisons between third-party results and internal findings. If a downward trend in efficiency or deviation from monitored parameters is identified, the operational teams act immediately to identify and resolve the root cause. 


GRI-303-5 SASB-RR-PP-140a.1 SASB-RT-CP-140a.1

Water consumption

  Unit 2023 2022 2021 2020
    Total areas Areas of water stress Goal for the year Total areas Areas of water stress Goal for the year Total areas Areas of water stress Goal for the year Total areas Areas of water stress
Total water consumption 15,858,052.38 424,325.20 19,612,555.53 19,128,120.43 535,231.82 19,894,075.01 19,391,425.90 661,496.27   16,219,610.8800 396,077.9400
Total freshwater consumption 15,858,052.38 424,325.20 19,612,555.53 19,128,120.43 535,231.82 19,894,075.01 19,391,425.90 661,496.27   16,219,610.8800 396,077.9400
Other consumption - - - - - - - - - - -



Percentage of water used from reuse

  Unit 2023 2022 2021 2020
Percentage of water used for reuse or rainwater % 62.25 66.88 68.2 70.
Administrative processes (offices, cafeterias, bathrooms) % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Production processes % 62.25 66.88 68.2 70.0
Percentage of facilities using water-efficient technologies % 100.0 100.00 100.0 100.0
Administrative processes (offices, cafeterias, bathrooms) % 100.0 100.00 100.0 100.0

As part of Klabin's sustainability governance structure, there is a Permanent Sustainability Committee composed of Executive Directors led by the Director of Technology and Sustainability and coordinated by the Sustainability Manager. Additionally, the Sustainability Committee, formed by the company's board members, includes water management as one of the topics addressed. Klabin also maintains a legal department with environmental specialists who monitor issues related to legal parameters and has a permanent contract with an Environmental Law Firm for preventive monitoring and advice on regulatory changes, including those related to water security. This organized structure defines strategies and actions related to the sustainability commitments made, acting jointly across the entire chain.

The company uses the concept of hydrosolidary management, a pioneering methodology in the sector based on the balance between forest production and water production. This way, it is possible to integrate the different needs for water resources, including neighboring communities and ecological processes. This activity begins at the forest planning stage, which considers the micro-watersheds and the water intake points of the community located around the forest units.

Additionally, as described in items 15 and 18 of Klabin's Sustainability Policy, all units must practice responsible water management, seeking continuous improvement in all processes and acting in compliance with current environmental laws and regulations at municipal, state, and federal levels.

Water Efficiency (consumption evaluation, reuse, quality, and effluents)

Klabin has a Working Group that is carrying out water reduction actions, aiming to identify opportunities in all units to reduce water intake and consumption, as well as improvements in water quality and effluents throughout Klabin. The group consists of a multidisciplinary team that includes representatives from the Pulp, Paper, and Packaging businesses, as well as the Research and Development, Innovation, and Industrial Environmental Responsibility sectors.

Klabin uses Life Cycle Analysis and Water Footprint methodologies (ISO 14046), considering internal data and indicators related to the evaluated water impact categories (Acidification, Eutrophication, Human Toxicity, Ecotoxicity, Water Use, and Water Footprint) and determining the impact criteria categories in the LCA to develop actions aimed at reducing the water impact of its products.

100% of Klabin's industrial process effluents are treated at Effluent Treatment Stations before returning to the water body or the utility company. The treated effluents are monitored internally and by a third party to ensure compliance with all applicable legal requirements.

The minimum effluent disposal standards are based on municipal, state, and federal legislation for each unit. Klabin maintains a Legal department with environmental experts who monitor issues related to legal parameters. Moreover, Klabin has a permanent contract with an Environmental Advocacy Office aimed at preventive monitoring and advice on topics such as regulatory changes, including those related to water safety. Klabin also compares its results with the indicators of the International Finance Corporate (IFC), which has reference parameters for the pulp and paper sector. To determine the maximum discharge limits, Klabin conducts water dispersion and self-purification studies of the water body to assess and determine limits that do not alter the water quality and volume of the water body.

Regarding water quality, Klabin monitors 100% of water intake from all its operations daily. Monitoring volumes and parameters are relevant to identify actions to improve the quality of available water. These aspects are monitored by indicators, whose management since 2018 has been consolidated on a specific platform, facilitating information traceability.

Klabin units carry out actions to reduce water consumption through monitoring sub-meters installed in different areas of the plants, reusing process water for cooling towers (Otacílio Costa and PUMA units), pulp washing (Angatuba, Monte Alegre, Otacílio Costa, and PUMA units), wood log washing (Otacílio Costa), and pulp drying (PUMA unit), as well as applying recycled water in tool and area cleaning (Itajaí, Lages, Paulínia, and PUMA units) and glue dilution (São Leopoldo unit).

Klabin also captures rainwater for non-potable uses, such as garden irrigation (Itajaí unit), tool cleaning (Lages unit), toilets (Angatuba and Lages units), and use in water treatment processes (Otacílio Costa unit). 

As a result of water management, in 2023, the volume of reused water at Klabin represented about 16 times the volume of raw water intake.

Goals for Reducing Consumption

Klabin is committed to reducing its water consumption and has had three water management-related goals since 2018, one of which is directly linked to reducing specific industrial water consumption.

  1. 100% of the locations where we operate with initiatives to increase territorial water security.
  2. 100% of forest operations are under its management with hydrosolidary management.
  3. Reduce specific industrial water consumption by 20%.

For more information, see Goals 2030.

Employee Awareness Measures

Klabin units continuously participate in the Superar Program, which adopts a management methodology based on the TPM (Total Productive Management) model. Among the aspects addressed in the program are energy consumption, water consumption, and waste generation and disposal. According to the profile of each unit, awareness/training actions are carried out to advance the identified improvement opportunities (focus on operational efficiency).

Additionally, Klabin has the ENK Portal available to all company employees, which includes training tracks related to Sustainability, addressing topics such as water management, waste management, energy, and climate change actions, among others, focusing on environmental education for its employees. Moreover, Klabin units annually develop specific campaigns to improve water efficiency in their operations, especially during environmental awareness weeks.


Updated and verified on: 07/04/2024