Wood availability

Highly productive forest ecosystems with sustainable management of landscapes that generates value and disseminates capacities throughout society, considering the social and environmental challenges for land use.

Amount of forest planted (in thousand hectares)​

2023 2022 2021 2020
332 310 284 273


Average radius between own forests and pulp and paper mills (km)

2023 2022 2021 2020
111 105 86 82


The number of trees planted per minute

  2023 2022 2021 2020
Number of seedlings planted 62,223,972 56,374,962 44,037,999 52,787,585
Trees planted per minute 118 107 84 100


Total standing timber (m³)

2023 2022 2021 2020
5,574,417 4,484,242 4,260,455 2,978,836


Total standing timber (tons)

2023 2022 2021 2020
4,180,813 3,138,969 2,982,319 2,383,069



Total wood harvested (m³)

2023 2022 2021 2020
15,499,911 15,013,359 15,492,937 14,245,089


Total wood harvested (tons)

2023 2022 2021 2020
11,624,933 11,260,019 11,619,703 10,683,817


Total wood transferred* (tons)

2023 2022 2021 2020
14,010,570 14,137,750



*The figure refers to the sum of all wood transferred to the mills, i.e. from own harvesting, third-party harvesting, and purchased volume.

Conversion factor t/m³
2020: 0.8

2021: 0.7

2022: 0.7

2023: 0.75


The Company is a global reference in responsible management, maintaining 42% of its forest area dedicated to conservation and biodiversity maintenance. Its production chain is integrated with wood, for pulp, paper, and packaging, or sold to the market, from planted pine and eucalyptus forests.
In addition to its own wood, the Company maintains the Plante com a Klabin (Plant with Klabin) program, aimed at developing local producers. The program benefits the entire production chain, generating income distribution without concentrating property over all available wood; fostering the development of foresting and harvesting service companies; and providing economic diversification for producers on the same property.
Klabin implements its supply planning processes the concepts of Sales and Operation Planning (S&OP), Sales and Operation Execution (S&OE), and Control Tower (a concept that seeks to provide integration and logistical intelligence). These initiatives contribute to collaborative planning, involving the forestry areas as well as the strategic focal points of the manufacturing units.

Updated and verified on: 07/04/2024