Management and engagement of professionals

Leaders committed to the continuity of Klabin’s strategic guidance and values.

Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Klabin has collective bargaining agreements in all its units, covering 100% of our employees.


Collective bargaining agreements are applicable to all operations and cover topics such as:

  • remuneration (salary adjustments, bonus, pay floor, among others); 
  • working hours (expected weekly workload, overtime, timekeeping system); 
  • equal opportunities without distinction of color, sex, age or religion in interpersonal and professional relationships



Turnover – total, by gender and age group

Cumulative turnover rate* 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Men 15.88 15.4 13.81 14.44 14.47
Women 33.90 29.29 24.7 27.66 26.44
Total 19.56 17.81 15.52 15.93 15.94
Less than 30 years of age 35.70 31.2 27.86 28.96 27.83
Between 30 and 50 years of age 13.32 12.78 10.56 11.37 10.92
Over 50 years of age 7.71 9.1 9.9 9.2 9.95
Total 19.56 17.81 15.52 15.93 15.94

* Voluntary + non-voluntary turnover is considered


Voluntary turnover rate

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Men 2.17 1.93 2.12 1.97 1.55
Women 3.97 3.27 03.01 3.62 2.42
Total 2.53 2.16 2.25 2.18 1.74
Less than 30 years of age 4.18 3.4 3.36 3.32 2.19
Between 30 and 50 years of age 2.03 1.87 1.95 1.96 1.6
Over 50 years of age 0.51 0.39 01.07 0.49 0.5
Total 2.53 2.16 2.25 2.18 1.74

In 2022, Klabin hired 935 more employees than it dismissed in the same period. Of all the hires, 1,621 were women, up 33 percent from 2021, while the growth in hiring men was 7 percent. These figures demonstrate the maintenance of the Company's accelerated and sustainable growth and are the reflection of actions to increase diversity in operations. The indicator of cumulative turnover remained virtually unchanged for males, but increased by 4.6% for females. The highest turnover rates are typically found in entry-level positions with a predetermined contract length, such as apprenticeships and internships, which explains the higher concentration of individuals in the under 30 age group. 

Number of new hires by gender and age group

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Men 2,436 2,274 1,804 1,682 1,835
Women 1,621 1,221 660 636 538
Total 4,057 3,495 2,464 2,318 2,373
Less than 30 years of age 2,478 2,144 1,456 1,376 1,511
Between 30 and 50 years of age 1,517 1,275 936 885 812
Over 50 years of age 62 76 72 57 50
Total 4,057 3,495 2,464 2,318 2,373

Percentage of open positions filled with internal candidates - by gender and age group

Men 13%
Women 7%
Total 11%
Less than 30 years of age 8%
Between 30 and 50 years of age 16%
Over 50 years of age 6%
Total 11%

Average hiring expenses per employee

2022 2021 2020 2019
1,504.20 605 850.64 642.83


In 2022, there was a higher number of positions filled by professionals under 30 years old, followed by those aged 30 to 50 years, due to initiatives in cultivating a talent pool. The hiring of women was 33% higher in 2022 compared to 2021 and 245% higher than in 2020. Internal recruitment of males, which make up the majority of employees, was 3% higher than 2021. Internal recruitment of female candidates was 3.5 times higher in 2022 than in 2021, with the majority falling within the age range of 30 to 50 years. The average cost per hire in 2022 was BRL 1,504.20 and includes costs for the talent attraction team, recruitment and selection consulting firms, selection process management tools, behavioral tests, and assessments and platforms for advertising vacancies and enhancing the employer brand.

The compensation practices have the following objectives:

– align the interests of employees with the strategy of the Company and shareholders;

– allow the compensation of the employees to be competitive and attractive when compared to the market;

– recognize Klabin’s high-performance professionals, stimulating a merit-based culture, in addition to attracting and maintaining talent;

– ensure that executive compensation reflects the short- and long-term results, in addition to their individual performance.

The Company's fixed and variable compensation policies do not distinguish between gender, race, religion or any other aspects that are not related to individual or corporate performance. In addition, the executives have targets related to the KSDGs (Klabin Sustainable Development Goals), that is, they are related to one of the four thematic axes proposed (renewable future, sustainable economy, prosperity for people, and technology & innovation).

Klabin relies on the expertise of renowned consulting firms such as Korn Ferry do Brasil and Willis Towers Watson to conduct its annual salary surveys. These surveys are comprised of companies with similar characteristics and recognized in the market.

Management's overall compensation and the compensation plan are approved by the Board of Directors and the General Shareholders' Meeting. Complete information about their approval can be accessed here:



Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans

The pension plan is managed by a private and independent entity, in which there is no obligation for the company to hold reserves to ensure pensions. All professionals, regardless of position, can participate by making voluntary contributions. The company's contribution has the following modalities: – positions whose salary is less than BRL 4,736.00 and age over 55: payment of up to 6x the salary, made when there is a need. The employee does not pay the benefit; and –positions with salaries over BRL 4,736.00: employees can contribute percentages of 1% to 9% of their salaries. Klabin’s match varies from 100% to 150% of the employee contribution, according to their length of employment.



Ratio of the organization's lowest salary to the local minimum wage, by gender​

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
Angatuba 1.84 1.84 1,89 1,89 1,77 1,77 1,81 1,81 1,84 1,84
Betim 1.11 1.11 1,09 1,09 1,07 1,07 1,09 1,09 1,09 1,09
Correia Pinto 1.69 1.75 1,57 1,74 1,65 1,65 1,5 1,67 1,24 1,24
Sao Paulo* 2.52 2.33 2,4 2,05 1,8 1,96 1,81 1,98 1,84 1,84
Feira de Santana** 1.58 1.54 1,45 1,51 1,41 2,05 1,44 2,1 1,43 2,41
Forestry (OC and MA) 1.32 1.32 1,16 1,16 1,32 1,32 1,16 1,31 1,16 1,28
Franco da Rocha 4.12 3.95 1,8 1,8            
 Goiana 1.18 1.18 1,16 1,16 1,12 1,12 1,15 1,39 1,19 1,4
Horizonte 1.1 1.24 1,21 1,21            
Itajaí 1.44 1.44 1,34 1,34 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,44 1,44
Jundiaí 1.56 1.76 1,8 1,8 1,49 1,7 1,53 1,72 1,52 1,74
Lages 1.53 1.69 1,56 1,56 1,49 1,49 1,5 1,5 1,52 1,69
Manaus 1.02 1.02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,03 1,03
Monte Alegre 1.39 1.39 1,39 1,39 1,7 1,7 1,31 1,36 1,75 1,75
Ortigueira*** 1.39 1.39 1,7 1,62 1,38 1,38 1,72 1,72 1,75 1,75
Otacílio Costa 1.76 1.76 1,51 1,51 1,16 1,16 1,44 1,44 1,69 1,24
Paulínia 1.76 1.76 1,8 1,8            
Piracicaba 1.76 1.76 1,8 1,8 1,7 1,7 1,72 1,72 1,74 1,74
 Rio Negro 1.42 1.42 1,47 1,47 1,39 1,39 1,39 1,39 1,41 1,41
Rio Verde 1.35 1.35 1,33 1,33            
Sao Leopoldo**** 1.23 1.23 1,23 1,57 1,03 1,47 1,03 1,23 1,24 1,24
Suzano 1.76 1.76 1,62 1,8            
Klabin in general 1.02 1.02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,03 1,03

Notes: In these operating units, the lowest wages correspond to different positions in each gender, which justifies the difference in proportion in relation to the minimum wage.

* for Administrative Assistant I and Receptionist

** for Production Assistant I and Storekeeper I

*** for Operator I Dispatch and Storekeeper I

**** for Expedition Helper I and Production Helper II

Performance evaluation

Our Performance Assessment process is carried out annually and allows for a more frequent monitoring of the performance and potential of our employees. It is carried out through the SuccessFactors system, where the main deliverables agreed upon in the contracting of goals, challenges and the #AtitudeKlabin (connection with our Culture) are evaluated.

In our performance evaluation, our main objective is to drive the continuous development of our employees, to allow monitoring of performance and potential, in addition to being a device that encourages the practice of conversations about careers.

As a step we have:

Management by objectives: the contracting of goals and one of our drivers is our strategic planning and the Klabin Goals for Sustainable Development (KODS), so that we keep our culture alive by strengthening our #Klabin Attitude. 

Multidimensional performance appraisal: self-assessment that follows and the employee starts in the system considering deliveries and Klabin’s Attitude skills. As a next step, we have the assessment of the manager who performs the same exercise as above, adding the performance assessment (below/under development; conforming; or above/exceeds expectations), potential assessment (adequate; potential; or high potential) in addition to the nomination of succession for leadership positions. At the end of the year, we entered the stage of a calibration committee specific to each area to discuss together with managers about each employee on the team. This dynamic is important to enrich discussions and broaden the view of evaluations through different perceptions of peer managers. 
Next, we have the Feedback stage, which focuses on deliveries and behaviors at Atitude Klabin, in addition to general comments from the committee.

Team-based performance appraisal: We understand that post-committee feedback and career conversations are inputs that facilitate the construction by the employee of an individual development plan to address gaps and strengthen relevant skills related to the function, business or Company.

For us, feedback is live and continuous and must always be present in our daily lives. Once the Performance Cycle feedback period is over, this is the moment for the employee to design his PDI (Individual Development Plan). This is an important tool for career management that guides reflection in order to create conditions for its development. Through it, it is possible to act on opportunities for evolution or to strengthen even more the points that are already highlighted. A check point is made so that managers can constantly monitor performance, provide feedback, in addition to monitoring the Individual Development Plan (PDI) of their teams.

Agile conversations: at Klabin, the concept of effective conversations is promoted through the practice of "Good Conversations." To facilitate these conversations, a manual is provided to guide 1:1 discussions, engagement conversations, and career development dialogues. This resource supports employees in giving and receiving feedback, building bridges, and ensuring conversations contribute to the organizational culture and strategic goals. Good Conversations aim to be constructive, foster connections, and promote collaboration across various topics. They genuinely embrace diversity, creating an inclusive environment that encourages a wide range of ideas. 

Calibration committees exemplify the principles of Good Conversations, promoting a comprehensive evaluation of professionals. Managers act as representatives for their team members, engaging in multidimensional feedback discussions that aim to elevate professional development. By providing clarity on strengths and addressing development needs outlined in the Individual Development Plan, these conversations contribute to employees' growth and success. 

In 2022, 4,788 collaborators were evaluated, of which 742 were leaders and specialists and 4,046 were administrative staff.

Succession Planning

The Company’s successors are mapped out during the annual Performance Review process, focused on continuous development and aimed at the occupants of administrative and leadership positions. In addition to managing the Performance Cycle and Succession Plan, Klabin carries out its process annually budget that allows forecasting future income and expenses. This budget is carried out strategic workforce planning, which is a forecast of the number of people needed for our operations during the next year.

Throughout the year, we monitor this planning on a monthly basis (comparison and evaluation of budgeted versus actual).

Incentive programs

Type of incentive Program name Target Audience Description
 Short-term Incentive (ICP) Management Profit Sharing
Program (PPRG)
managers, coordinators and specialists
Profit sharing program, with a
value calculated based on the performance achieved in the annual goals in
line with Klabin's Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to the
company's financial results for the period.
 Short-term Incentive
Profit Sharing
Program (PPR)
All employees,
except: apprentices, interns, temporary workers and outsourced workers,
dismissed for just cause, retired due to disability and employees eligible
for the PPRG.
that extends profit sharing to other employees, with a value calculated based
on the performance achieved in the targets contracted by the PPRG public.
Long-term Incentive (ILP) ILP
and non-statutory directors
 This program is conditioned to the
generation of value for the Company based on the TSR (Total Shareholder
Return) indicator in relation to the cost of equity (KE). The value
corresponds to 25% of the executives' ICP target and the vesting is 5 years.
Long-term Incentive (ILP)  ILP Performance  All employees, except directors. The
program consists of the option for employees to convert a percentage of their
annual PPR/PPRG value according to their position, a maximum of 10% for
analysts, 25% for managers and 40% for senior managers. It is based on units
(KLBN11) with 3 years vesting.

Employee support program

Our employees have medical and dental assistance, an agreement with pharmacies, transportation and food benefits, life insurance, day care assistance and school supplies, extended parental leave for employees, among others.

With a view to caring for emotional health, from 2020 onwards we will provide our employees with free online therapy

Wellness programs and benefits - by topic

At the head office (city of São Paulo), employees can flexible
their time of entry and exit in the work environment.
Home Office Due to the pandemic, all employees in the administrative area
started working from home.
Workplace stress management Some units have leisure spaces, such as recreation tables and soccer fields, as well as rest rooms.
Daycare or other benefits for children Reimbursement of day care allowance or babysitting allowance to
employees or widowed employees.
leave above the minimum established by law
20-day extension of paternity leave for parents
leave above the minimum established by law
Extension of 60 beyond 120 days of maternity leave
Lactation rooms Mother space: breastfeeding rooms are in operation at the units in
Ortigueira, Monte Alegre, Office Headquarters and Goiana, ensuring privacy,
hygiene conditions, comfort, tranquility, safety and conditions for storing
and cooling breast milk. Another 7 units are implementing the space, with the
appropriate architectural projects and budget.*
(wellness and physical activity platform - employees and dependents)
6483 assets on the platform
for children (action for employees' families and children)
5,900 views and 2,969 messages

* In 2022, the Facilities area is developing a Guidebook with architectural guidelines for inclusive spaces, including the implementation of these nursing rooms, with the support of Facilities.


Maternity and paternity leave

    2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
 Total number of employees
who took leave
Men 538 563 514 150 392
  Women 159 92 63 94 64
Total number of employees who returned to work, in the reporting
period, after the end of the leave
Men 538 563 514 150 392
  Women 159 90 63 94 64
Total number of employees who returned to work after the leave
and who were still employed 12 months after returning to work
Men 481 527 497 144 345
  Women 125 87 51 78 50
Return rate Men 100% 100,00% 100% 100% 100%
  Women 100% 97,83% 100% 100% 100%
Retention rate Men 89% 93,61% 97% 96% 88%
  Women 79% 94,57% 81% 83% 78%

Female audience: 11 resignations and 24 dismissals by the company.
Male audience: 19 resignations and 39 dismissals by the company.

In order to support the pregnant woman's return to work, Klabin implemented the Gestantes Program, which monitors and guides her from the beginning of pregnancy through the first six months of the baby's life. Upon this return, the employee receives psychological care at no cost and with unlimited sessions, as well as financial, social and/or legal guidance if necessary, also at no cost.  


Private Pension Plan

The pension plan is managed by a private and independent entity, in which there is no obligation for the company to have a cash liability to ensure the pension. All professionals, regardless of position, can participate by making voluntary contributions. 

The company’s contribution has the following modalities: – positions whose salary is less than R$4,736.00 and aged over 55 years: payment of up to 6 times the salary, made when necessary. The employee does not pay the benefit, and: – positions with a salary higher than R$4,736.00: the employee can contribute with percentages from 1% to 9% of his salary. Klabin’s counterpart varies from 100% to 150% of the employee’s contribution, according to their length of service.

In 2022, the 3rd wave of interns entered the Estágio Social Program – Integra Klabin – which hired more than 40 higher education students with a family income of up to three minimum wages. Its purpose is to expand the access of low-income students to a structured internship and developmental path program, in addition to contributing to a diverse and inclusive environment. The effective rate this year was 47%. In addition, the Company also has the Estágio Corporativo Program – Geração K, which benefited 36% of students in 2022.
Three specialized talent banks were also implemented on the career page: for individuals with disabilities, black and mixed-race professionals, and professionals in the field of information technology. This action seeks to increase visibility for professionals in these categories, expanding access to available opportunities and advancing the diversity pillars. In the case of IT professionals, the goal is to maintain competitiveness and agility in recruitment and selection, given the great demand for professionals in the sector. 
Another new feature was the former employee portal, an exclusive digital channel for communication and self-service offerings for professionals who have left the Company. 
The topic of Emotional Health has been highly prevalent at Klabin over the past two years, with an expansion of psychological services available to employees and their dependents; various spaces for listening and discussing the topic, and the training of leaders in aspects related to understanding, identifying, and forwarding cases that require special care and attention.

Performance cycle
During the 2022 Performance Cycle, an annual performance assessment program, 4,788 employees were evaluated, including 742 leaders and specialists and 4,046 from the administrative staff. The stages of the program include self-assessment, manager assessment, calibration committees, feedback, individual development plan and check point. 
One of the results of the performance cycle is succession mapping. Currently, 75% of the Executive Board consists of people who have been promoted from within Klabin. This result was driven by the Talent Acceleration Program for Managers, launched in 2019 and which has 27 participants in the 2022 edition. One of its stages is a process for assessing skills aligned with the behaviors and attitudes expected for the next level, providing opportunities for development. In addition, the business strategy and corporate governance modules were conducted and support was provided for constructing the Individual Development Plan (IDP), as well as career talks to foster reflections on the topic, connected with the participants. The inaugural class of the Coordinators Acceleration Program was also held, which includes 24 participants. Te pilot class began in November and took advantage of the strategy and career talks modules, while the other modules are planned for 2023.
There is also the Florescer Program, launched in 2021, with the aim of preparing potential successors for coordinator positions. Specialists, supervisors, engineers and analysts are eligible and the program seeks to feed the leadership pipeline (map) for the Company's critical areas, such as production, maintenance and quality. The program is comprised of a development track with over 120 hours of training, divided into three pillars: business, technical (with an applied project) and behavioral, as well as mentoring sessions provided by internal managers. In these two years, 38 people were trained, 21% of which were promoted to coordination. Two classes are currently underway.

Undertaking goals linked to the topic by executives

  2022 2021
Managers 9.0% 22.0%
Directors 19.0% 33.0%
Total executives 72 153

Updated and verified on: 06/24/2023