Human capital development

Substantial qualification of the contingent of professionals to maintain relevant and up-to-date skills.

Average hours of training that the organization’s employees have undertaken, by gender

  2023 2022 2021 2020
Men 35.45 33.89 31.40 26.27
Women 27.31 32.20 29.38 26.62
Total 33.56 33.53 31.05 26.32

*Does not include the Pilar/Argentina unit

Average hours of training that the organization’s employees have undertaken by employee category

  2023 2022 2021 2020
Senior Executive Board 2.70 7.92 0.02 0.13
Management and coordination 22.67 21.80 23.31 16.34
Technical 17.27 21.59 33.12 29.59
Administrative 21.00 26.20 18.15 15.94
Operational 37.91 37.47 31.96 28.29
Apprentices 18.49 19.85 43.20 12.82
Interns 15.16 15.64 21.22 21.78
Total 33.56 33.53 31.05 26.32

*Does not include the Pilar/Argentina unit

Average hours of training that the organization’s employees have undertaken by age group

  2023 2022
30 years of age and under 34.98 38.19
Over 30 and under 50 years of age 32.00 32.85
50 years of age or older 24.64 21.59
Total 33.56 33.53

*Does not include the Pilar/Argentina unit


Average investments in training per employee

  2023 2022 2021 2020
Total 314.93 574.80 725.43 497.00

*Does not include the Pilar/Argentina unit


Human Capital Return on Investment (BRL)

   2023 2022 2021 2020
Total Revenue 18,023,749,000 20,033,000,000 16,481,388,000  11,948,794,000 
Total Operating Expenses


2,868,000,000  2,062,000,000  1,540,000,000
Total employee-related expenses (salaries + benefits) 1,934,627,210 1,837,630,000  1,956,014,907  1,561,000,000
ROIC 8.96457 10.34084 8.37182 7.66803
Total Employees 17,525 18,482 20,030 17,247


Employee development programs

Employee development programs Program 1 Program 2
Program Name and Description

Klabin Superar is a management methodology based on the TPM model (Total Productive Management) and Lean Manufacturing. Its objectives are: 1. To promote the elimination of losses (breakages, defects, unsafe conditions, environmental deviations, etc.), improving the work environment and the organization's results; 2. Make tools available to eradicate identified loss modes; 3. Allow adherence between the pillars' objectives and the organization's goals; 4. Provide training to employees in the use of these tools.

In line with Klabin's Sustainability Policy, Superar's vision is "to develop a culture of continuous improvement to transform Klabin into a world-class company" and the mission is "to guarantee the excellence of processes and products through the involvement and appreciation of people", with the slogan: "Valuing people, improving processes.”

It is composed and disseminated by all the people who make up the pillars of Superar, internal autonomous management groups, internal planned maintenance groups, improvement teams, and investigation groups, among others. The following examples show two forms of employee participation: 1. Operators make up the autonomous management groups of their respective areas, developing the “feeling of ownership”, improving their knowledge in the process, and working together with maintenance to guarantee the availability of machines and equipment, seeking zero losses (that is, eliminating losses in the process, breaks, defects, etc.); 2. Participation in improvement teams that are launched periodically. These teams are multidisciplinary, focused on reducing a certain loss, and have the participation of different job profiles (line operators, maintenance personnel, engineers, technical assistants, etc.). Those who participate in the improvement groups receive training in basic quality tools and in the specific route for eliminating losses that will use problem-solving, pm analysis, reduction of breaks, etc.).


The Leadership Journey, which aims to develop leaders who act as ambassadors for the Klabin Culture and prepare them for current and future challenges, is structured around three pillars: Improvement, Succession, and New Leaders. The contents are organized into tracks focusing on People Management, Strategy, and Well-being and Respect. The entire design of the Journey is aligned with the culture drivers, the results of the climate survey, the vision charter, and the main gaps mapped in the performance cycle. In 2023, we offered more than 13 topics to directors, managers, coordinators, supervisors, and leaders.

Description of benefits for Klabin

To measure the evolution in the culture of continuous improvement and expand the program to all units, the Klabin Superar Seal was created in 2020, an internal certification process based on globally recognized methodologies and aligned with Klabin's sustainability goals. This process seeks to understand the level of maturity of each unit, promote the exchange of best practices, identify opportunities and accelerate improvement actions, develop people, advance cultural evolution, increase operational efficiency, and democratize results. From the initial phase, there is a strong focus on training the teams in the methodologies employed, which is supported by a training plan. In addition, efforts are made to develop skills in employees such as leadership, focus and pursuit of results, handling deviant situations, and working in groups. In 2022, 13 units were certified. As result for the business, it can be highlighted that increased productivity and improvement in operational performance indicators, reduction or elimination of safety accidents/incidents, improvement of environmental indicators, reduction of production cost, improvement of product quality or elimination /reduction of losses, and increase in EBITDA.

The program promotes an understanding of the processes for creating value by balancing resources, prioritizing tasks, guiding teams toward sustainability, and strengthening decision-making capabilities.  
It prepares the leadership to handle business challenges by acquiring tools that promote open dialogue with teams. It provides alignment and reinforcement of the organizational culture and the profile of the Klabin leader.  It is an opportunity for integration, fostering an environment of increased collaboration and connection. 
Quantitative impacts (monetary and non-monetary)

The financial return on Superar projects in 2023: 

R$ 162.00 million considering all units with Superar implemented. 

Superar achievements in 2023: 

  • Monte Alegre Unit - Advanced Gold Seal: Attendance at the Skills Matrix rose from 38.3 to 57.4 %, the High Potential Occurrence Frequency Rate (TFOAP) fell to 1.02 and the number of equipment breakdowns fell to 20. 
  • Angatuba Unit - Advanced Gold: The Lost Time Accident Frequency Rate (LTAFR) was reduced from 2.23 to 1.11, the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) remained stable at 86.82 %, the number of equipment breakdowns fell to 29 and the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) increased to 12.58 days. 
  • Lages Unit - Advanced Silver: The Frequency Rate of High Potential Occurrences (TFOAP) fell to 1.53, the Severity Rate (TG) fell from 341.03 to 43.44, Total Waste fell to 5.02 % and the number of equipment breakdowns fell from 6,497 to 5,132. 
  • Correia Pinto Unit - Advanced Silver: The volume of saleable production increased from 191,499 to 193,438 tons, the High Potential Occurrence Frequency Rate (TFOAP) fell from 2.3 to 0.72 and Total Waste fell to 4.26 %. 
  • Otacílio Costa Unit - Basic Silver: The High Potential Occurrence Frequency Rate (TFOAP) fell from 65.88 to 11.88, the Lost Time Accident Frequency Rate (TFACA) fell to 0.54, the number of Customer Complaints fell from 0.48 to 0.36 No. Claim/Kton and water consumption reached 21.54 m³/t. 
  • Goiana Reciclados Unit - Intermediate Bronze Seal: The High Potential Occurrence Frequency Rate (TFOAP) fell from 4.38 to 2.34, there were no accidents with lost time, the OEE of MP24 rose from 58.35 to 68.70 and Total Waste fell from 14.72 to 12.84
In 2023, there were over 5,000 hours of training for over 1300 leaders, with a 58% participation rate in the Journey's activities.
Additionally, training on workplace harassment was provided for directors, managers, coordinators, and supervisors to strengthen internal dialogue, fostering conceptual reflections on the topic and behaviors that may constitute it. There were 16 classes, which gathered over 2200 trained leaders, resulting in a 58% participation rate. The 16-hour training was structured into four modules, built and delivered using internal resources: Leadership Role in Klabin Culture, Safe Environment, Development and Performance, Labor Relations, and Compensation. There were approximately 340 participants, with an overall participation rate of 53%, an applicability of 86%, and a satisfaction rating of 3.9 on a scale of 1 to 4.
Percentage of employees who participated in the program



The ENK Portal is the online training platform of the Klabin Business School (ENK). In 2023, more than 200 courses were launched, and there were 164,000 hours of navigation on the platform, where over 13,000 employees were trained, totaling 84% of employees who completed at least one access on the ENK portal.

On the Integrity theme, training was offered to all audiences to raise awareness on the topic. Notably, the Code of Conduct training aims to ensure that employees' actions are aligned with Klabin's guidelines and practices. This training has resulted in 12,271 completions, covering 68% of Klabin's workforce, with 3,346 completions in 2023 alone. Additionally, the Anti-Corruption training, targeted at managers and coordinators, emphasized the importance of combating corrupt corporate practices and the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law, training 291 leaders, which represents 56% of the leadership base (Supervisors, Coordinators, and Managers).

For the Safety Pillar, the Company continues its endless journey of improving environments and valuing people. On the Portal, a track covering three themes was launched: Hazardous Energy Lockout, Introduction to OHS, and Safety Reporting, with 11,320 employees trained, representing 63% of Klabin's workforce. On the Risks theme, the company offers mandatory Risk Management training, which prepares teams to follow the general guidelines on the topic, which has also been linked to the Knowledge Matrix for employees in the operating units. By 2024, 5,372 people had been trained. 

In the Administrative Pillar, in 2023, we started the Safety track, aimed at developing the Occupational Safety team, focusing on technicians, covering behavioral and technical topics to enhance their work scope. Twelve topics were covered in over 428 hours of training, impacting 220 employees.

Additionally, Klabin has the Integra Klabin, a social internship program aimed at low-income students, currently hosting 67 active interns with a 28% hiring rate. The program includes 64% women and 40% black participants.





To strengthen the learning culture, we constantly invest in our online development platform, called ENK Portal. There, employees can use courses, videos, articles, seminars, posts, knowledge tracks, and polls, from experts and renowned institutions, for professional development at any time and place. The Portal also contributes to the management of knowledge tracks and essential training for the company, such as My Attitude Beyond Commercial, Regulatory Standards, Quality Tools, among others. In 2021, there were over 200 courses launched and 113,000 hours of navigation on the platform, where 9,000 employees were trained and about 120,000 courses and videos were completed. Our indicators increased by about 107% compared to last year, reinforcing the emphasis that Klabin places on self-development.
In addition, the First Career Week was launched, which aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Leader, the Employee, and the Organization, reinforce the leading role of the employees in managing their careers, and encourage self-development and gains in readiness for new challenges. Six synchronous and asynchronous actions were offered, with renowned market speakers and internal multipliers. This year, we impacted around 2,500 employees and achieved a 94% satisfaction rate, in addition to a record number of hits on the ENK Portal due to the recorded content.

In the Corporate Pillar, solutions were offered that aim to develop employees in topics common to all units. In Superar, some corporate actions were adopted with the intent of creating greater connection between the members of the Education and Training Pillar and standardizing training and processes common to all units. The ET Pillar Synergy Group was created to align the performance in audits and in the program as a whole, in addition to the constant review of the procedure. More than 40 meetings were held and shared with more than 116 members. In addition, training on the Quality Tools was also developed in a multidisciplinary way, with the purpose of helping employees to understand the problem-solving methodologies. There were more than 2,623 participants in the available modules.

Under Integrity, we created a program focused on training all target audiences to raise awareness on the subject. Code of Conduct training was reinforced in order to evaluate whether employee attitudes are aligned with the Klabin process. We reached a total of 6,095 participants. In addition, we talked about Anti-Corruption with managers and coordinators, aiming to highlight the importance of fighting corrupt corporate practices and the Brazilian Anti-Corruption law. A total of 465 managers were trained. We also held a session with specialists to present the main points related to OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) and how it applies to Klabin, training 98 employees from the Supply, Commercial and Legal areas. Finally, we developed the Competitive Practices training, whose purpose is to guide employees to conduct negotiations in a fair, ethical, and legal manner, impacting about 262 participants.

In the topic of Health, we worked in synergy with the Living Well area, Klabin’s Health and Quality of Life department that aims to give back to employees and dependents in physical, emotional, and social health, with a focus on providing integral care to our employees and dependents through training on the subject. We held 4 conversation panels on Emotional Health with the purpose of assisting the understanding about emotions, emotional balance, relief and decompression for anxieties. In all, we trained 85 employees and obtained 127 manhours of training (HHT).

In the Leadership Pillar, we continued the Leadership Journey, which aims to develop ambassador leaders of Klabin’s Culture and prepare them for current and future challenges through solutions that associate technical and socio-emotional skills, valuing the human aspect for the management of results. The target audience for the Journey includes Directors, Managers, Coordinators, Supervisors and Leading Operators. In 2021, there were more than 20,402 manhours of training (HHT) for this audience and more than 1,093 managers trained.

Also in relation to the content for leaders, Emotional Health was one of the themes studied in depth this year, by means of workshops focused on the subject and its impact on team performance, as well as conversation panels to promote reflection and application of the theoretical aspects learned. About 234 managers were trained. The Strategy and Business topic was also developed using Rumos Digital, which aims to enable the understanding of Klabin’s integrated model, market vision and future prospects, democratizing the strategy through a business game that simulates the company and competes with two artificial intelligence, which simulates its competitors. A total of 208 leaders were trained.

The First Online Edition of the Coordinators and Specialists Convention also took place, with the objective of promoting integration and sharing Klabin’s strategy and positioning for the future, giving more visibility to their role as influencers in leading their teams to achieve the company’s objectives. In addition, we held the Managers’ Convention, an event that has been held since 2017 at the company.

Another important program for the Leadership Journey is Being a Leader, focused on the first leadership level of the operational and administrative areas. It is the program that carries the identity of the units, because all of its modules are taught internally by means of Kolb’s learning cycle methodology (act, reflect, conceptualize, and apply), contemplating three axes: behavioral, management tools, and technical.

More than 600 leaders in all our units participated in 2021, accounting for 500 hours of training.

Finally, when it comes to accelerating the development of our potential managers, we have Fast Track. This program was launched in 2019 and includes 22 participants who have been mapped as potential Board successors through our Performance Cycle. All participants undergo an assessment and the overall result contributes to the definition of actions for the whole group (cross-actions), which were Training in Business Strategy and Corporate Governance last year. This program also focuses on customized individual actions and career conversations aimed at the effective monitoring of Individual Development Plans (IDPs).

Still with regard to the preparation of successors, the Florescer Program is worth mentioning, launched in 2021 for the purpose of feeding Klabin’s leadership pipeline for coordination positions. Intended for specialists, supervisors, engineers, and analysts in the Production, Maintenance, Quality, and related areas, it operates under 3 pillars: business, technical (with an applied project), and behavioral, in addition to featuring mentoring by internal managers. The pilot class was held from June to November and included 20 participants, 60% of which were women, more than 120 hours of training, 93% satisfaction rate, and 4 improvement projects implemented. Class 2 began in September and will end in March 2022.

In the Commercial Pillar, we continued the My Attitude Beyond Commercial program for the commercial team in Packaging, which aims to develop a high-performance team integrated with a hybrid work model (virtual and on-site), so that the commercial team acts in a more entrepreneurial and collaborative manner, creating a perception of the customer as a strategic partner for packaging solutions. This program features a technical track and a skills track. The technical track comprises 12 topics from Klabin’s internal areas that have more connection with the commercial team, aiming to ensure mastery of the entire production chain and Klabin portfolio for excellence in customer service in packaging solutions and is built by a multidisciplinary group from the commercial area, fostering co-creation and internal collaboration.

This track is prepared by a multidisciplinary team and internal specialists. The skills track intends to expand knowledge in the 6 functional areas, connected with the Klabin Attitude, Cultural Evolution and Culture Well Beyond Packaging. This track is developed in partnership with a leading educational institution in Latin America, with customized content and market cases. In total, 433 participants were impacted by more than 4,746 manhours of training (HHT).
In the Industrial and Forestry Pillar, we can highlight the creation of the Professional Training Center, which aims to structure technical training programs to meet the demands for specialized labor, accelerating employee development and acting in the communities where we operate. The communities of Telêmaco Borba and Ortigueira were offered 80 scholarships for training in pulp and paper and 80 for electromechanics. We also began a course on Cellulose Fiber Manufacturing for 25 apprentices, which will end in June 2022. Finally, we conducted the Technical Trainee Program for 15 Trainee Operators, which will last for 6 months and will mix theory and practice. So far, 47% of these employees have been hired by the company.

Another training program that takes place in Paraná is PKE (Process Kaizen Engineer), which introduces concepts of continuous improvement to professionals at the tactical and strategic level of the Monte Alegre unit, such as engineers, specialists, coordinators and managers. Through this program, we have substantially evolved in how manufacturing processes are conducted, totaling 500 hours of training with about 17 employees trained.

In our plants in the Serra Catarinense, an in-company Post-Graduate class on Pulp and Paper was held for 23 Klabin students, with a total of 390 hours and developed in partnership with a major university. This action provides training on important concepts for our professionals about the manufacture of paper and pulp, stimulates scientific research and industrial development and guarantees a better qualification of our professionals and products manufactured with the best quality in the market. In addition, training
was also offered for Electromechanics Technicians, in order to provide technical qualifications on maintenance and operational safety issues for employees in the positions of Mechanics, Truck-Train Drivers, and Forestry Machine Operators.
In the Administrative Pillar, we continued the Transversal Grid, composed of training sessions designed for the development of employees from Transversal areas. In 2021, we held 6 Getting Things Done (GTD) classes, a method focused on managing commitments, information, and communications, impacting 77 participants. We also offered 4 classes on Analytical Mindset Training, which aims to develop analytical thinking and help transform the data extracted from PowerBI into useful information. In all, 74 employees were trained. Finally, we held 4 classes of Chora PPT, which aims to transform ideas into captivating stories with high power of persuasion through impactful presentations. There were 133 participants this year.

We also offered the Analytics Track this year, a project in partnership with the Alura platform focused on developing the Information Technology and Innovation team. The kick-off, design and monitoring of the course completion projects was conducted. In all, there were 43 participants and more than 3,119 total course hours were taken.

Finally, we started the BP Track for the purpose of developing the HR Business Partners (BPs) and employees of the Shared Services Center on topics such as posture and positioning of the HR BP, Climate, Culture, Psychological Security, and Finance. We had 2 classes being trained throughout the year, including about 80 employees in more than 52 hours of training.

The training actions in 2021 are aligned with the Company’s needs in a pandemic context that demanded adaptations in the training formats offered to employees. The following training solutions are considered: technical, behavioral, and leadership training, respecting each employee’s career level and moment, through online or hybrid actions in the in-company, custom, external and internal course formats.

Updated and verified on: 07/04/2024