Klabin's culture

Authentic Klabin model that reconciles valuing and caring for people with economic growth and higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction.

At Klabin, culture management is based on four drivers: efficiency, collaboration, agility, and good conversations. 

A review of the constantly evolving competencies that drive the culture is planned for 2024. The aim is to converge culture with competencies, simplifying the understanding of what is expected of people, as well as supporting Klabin's business strategy for its current and future challenges.

Performance and succession cycle

A total of 4,812 employees took part in the 2023 Performance Cycle, the annual performance review program. Of these, 727 are leaders and specialists and 4,085 are administrative staff. The stages of the program include self-assessment, leadership assessment, calibration committees, feedback, individual development plan (IDP), and checkpoint. The Performance Cycle requires leaders to analyze performance through deliveries and Klabin competencies and to assess people's potential for the future.  employees took part in the 2023 Performance Cycle, the annual performance review program. Of these, 727 are leaders and specialists and 4,085 are administrative staff. The stages of the program include self-assessment, leadership assessment, calibration committees, feedback

One of the outputs of the Performance Cycle is succession mapping. Currently, 73% of the executive board consists of people who have been promoted from within Klabin. This result was driven by the Talent Acceleration Program for managers, launched in 2019 and which had 23 participants in 2023. The initiative focuses on a skills assessment process aligned with the behaviors and attitudes expected for the next level, providing development opportunities.

There were also modules on business strategy and corporate governance, as well as support in building the individual development plan (IDP) and career talks. The second class of the Coordinators Acceleration Program was also held, including 21 participants. The mapping of critical positions was conducted in parallel with the 2023 Performance Cycle. The intention was to provide even more clarity and visibility to accelerate the development of successors for these positions.
With a focus on business continuity and investment in people's careers, Klabin has the Florescer Program, launched in 2021, to help map out leaders for coordination positions through a training track. 

Professional engagement (climate survey)

Employee profile Favorability (%)
Overall 81
Women 80
Men 81
Non-binary 78
Born from 1946 to 1964 86
Born from 1965 to 1979 82
Born from 1980 to 2000 80
General Goal (%) 89%


The Klabin climate survey is conducted every two years by the external consultancy Korn Ferry. The table above shows the results of the latest available climate survey, conducted in 2022, with an update scheduled for 2024.

In 2022, the Company achieved 86% participation and 81% overall favorability, a percentage that demonstrates the positive perception of the organizational climate and places Klabin among the top 25% of companies with the best results among the 150 companies that participated in the survey with the consultancy Korn Ferry.

Some of the topics covered by the survey include:

Topic Question
Job satisfaction Klabin motivates me to give my best at work
Purpose I have a clear idea of the results expected of me in my work
Happiness I have a balance between my professional and personal life
Stress I perceive that Klabin cares about the health and well-being of employees


Additionally, in 2023, an internal Pulse survey was conducted, which was 100% online and confidential. The objective was to identify the cultural progress of the year's priority drivers: efficiency, collaboration, good conversations, and agility, with two questions about meritocracy. More than 6,400 employees participated, with a sample representation of 40% of the public, from all businesses and with demographic cut-outs for the positions. Overall favorability was 72%. The favorability of the cultural drivers was 71%, with 73% for efficiency, 72% for collaboration and good conversations, and 66% for agility.

In 2024, the biannual climate survey, conducted by an external consultancy, will take place as part of measuring the evolution of cultural practices and Klabin's commitment to caring for the employee journey. The launch of new competencies that drive the culture, which continues to evolve with a focus on supporting Klabin's business strategy for its current and future challenges, is also planned.

To take stock of actions and plan the route for the future, the Managers Convention and the Coordinators and Specialists Convention were held online in November and December. The theme of both events was "Efficiency that Strengthens," and the highlights were security, culture, budget, cybersecurity, Smart project, business vision, and strategic roadmap. Efficiency was the buzzword in all of Klabin's businesses and areas.

Managers Perception of Klabin´s culture evolution

In the perception of the 698 leaders heard in the Pulse survey, the average favorability of the cultural drivers was 71%, with 78% for good conversations, 76% for efficiency, 72% for collaboration, and 58% for agility.

The leaders also gave their opinions on the priority cultural drivers to be worked on in the coming year: meritocracy and recognition (22%), vision of the whole (14%), and efficiency (10%). The theme of the annual convention was "Efficiency that Strengthens," to inspire and deepen the examples of the culture with the presentation of business cases.

Updated and verified on: 07/04/2024